
Examples of Successful online businesses

You will be surprise to know what kind of online business works and successful. Some of the ideas are almost un-heard of and some even looks weird and abstract. However, some of them does works! Work very well indeed.

Here's 10 Unconventional But Successful Online Homebusiness Ideas submitted by Dmitri in Online Niches. Check out the summary of those 10 listings:

http://www.hardtofindseminars.com reselling old seminar materials

http://www.hungrypod.com/ uploading music to other people’s iPods

http://www.idonowidont.com/ sell their engagement rights for a better price

http://www.pickydomains.com/ risk-free domain naming service

http://www.greekgear.com/ researching what kind of products his former fraternity brothers

http://rickspicksnyc.com/ Pickling Windy City Wasabeans (soybeans in wasabi brine) and Slices of Life (sliced pickles in aromatic garlic brine)

http://www.militaryexits.com/ find companies value employees with military backgrounds, and she wanted to provide a one-stop link between the two

http://www.hotsauceblog.com/ blogg about hot sauces

http://amazingbutterflies.com/ a live-butterfly distributor

http://www.laneigepurse.com/ fashionable fanny pack

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