The askmen site put down the baseline of management law which lays the most basics of what management really needs and what it follows being in a management in article Timeless Management Laws.
Quote from the site below:
timeless management laws
1- The manager assumes all responsibility
The biggest difference between being a manager and being an employee is that, as a manager, your performance isn’t determined by your personal accomplishments, but by those of your entire team. It would behoove you and your career to consider this among the most important timeless management laws. It’s important for you to take charge of your staff and establish a clear chain of command. Employees don’t typically look at the big picture, so it’s your job to think of the bottom line and make sure that your department’s objectives are met quickly and efficiently. By the same token, you should take responsibility if your team fails to meet its goals. Don’t try to shift the blame onto your subordinates, and remember that you’re also accountable for employee morale.
2- The manager is confident
Timeless management laws state that it’s important for you to project decisiveness and self-assurance in every situation if you want your employees to trust your leadership abilities. As the boss, you’re expected to make all the hard choices and your staff needs to feel like you know exactly what you’re doing. This is not to say that there’s no place for doubt in management. If and when you have insecurities, don’t defer to your subordinates or overcompensate by micromanaging every little task; keep in mind that you also have to show
confidence in your team. Before making a difficult call, include your employees and consider their opinions, but make it clear that the final decision is yours and yours alone to make.
3- The manager knows the staff
The same way a sales person needs to be familiar with the product line in order to do the job right, it’s crucial for you to be aware of your employees’ respective strengths and weaknesses. Timeless management laws dictate that you, as your employees’ boss, take responsibility to ensure that everyone is doing what he or she does best. You should also find out about your subordinates’ career goals and expectations. You need to know if your most skilled worker is feeling restless and looking for new challenges or if the new hire is confused about the chain of command. Make sure to discuss these matters with your staff. Regardless of what you learn, your taking the time to ask is enough to motivate your employees and inspire their loyalty.
4- The manager provides regular feedback
Whether things are going well or taking a turn for the worse, keep your
employees apprised of their progress within the company. Don’t be shy about giving praise in public and avoid the “no feedback is good feedback” approach; your subordinates need to know that their hard work isn’t going unnoticed. By the same token, when a worker is doing badly, don’t wait until the issue has gotten out of hand before addressing it. Discuss the problem with your employee as soon as possible and sandwich your criticism between two compliments to cushion the blow. Tact and discretion are paramount when coaching your staff. Chewing out your own
team in public would only harm your reputation as manager, which is among the timeless management laws that you don’t want to experience.
5- The manager leads by example
Employees often emulate their superior’s behavior because they perceive it as a model of success within the company. As such, the way you approach your job usually sets the tone for the entire workplace. That’s why you should always practice what you preach. You can’t expect your workers to come in on time, stay
organized and prioritize their tasks if you don’t do the same. As the manager, you should also be mindful of the attitude you project. Make sure you maintain a positive outlook at all times; when things go wrong, it’s especially important that you keep your cool and remain solution-minded because your staff will rely on you to figure out the next course of action.
laying down the law
No matter the size of your company or what industry you work in, you should follow these five timeless management laws if you’re in a position of authority. Never forget that, as a manager, your job is to deal with people -- not productivity charts. Employees sometimes have off days and personal issues that hinder their ability to focus on the job at hand. It’s important that you be patient and understanding with your staff. Keep in mind that cheering up a disgruntled worker is far less expensive than training a new one. Besides, unlike a chart, your personnel can reward your flexibility with initiative and creative ideas. Like most things in life,
leadership is all about give and take.
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