
All that you need for web developer!

The {softwaredeveloper}.com have put together great developer reference lists in I Got 99 Problems, but Developing Ain't One: 100 Essential Resources for Web Developers. About half of them are reference to good forums and blogs where you can get update on latest news and tools. However, among them, I love it's coding resource round up quoted below:

Incredible Coding Resources

Sometimes, you just need
an "easy" button. Check out these cheat sheets, samples and other
helpful coding tools for a shortcut to excellence.

  1. [AJAX] Prototype Dissected: Use Jonathan Snook's nifty cheat sheet for Prototype as a quick reference tool.
  2. [AJAX] A Field Guide to Scriptaculous Combination Effects: By Amy Hoy, this informative PDF discusses default options, toggling and more.
  3. [AJAX] Max Kiesler: Round-up of 30 AJAX Tutorials: This list covers client-server communication, tabbed pages and tons of other resources for Ajaxians.
  4. [AJAX] Max Kiesler: 60 More Helpful AJAX Tutorials: Want more? Max Kiesler shares even more awesome resources.
  5. [AJAX] AJAX Programming Online:
    Sang Shin of Sun Microsystems offers a free 18-week course on AJAX.
    Even if you don't sign up for the course, this site can provide a
    wealth of information.
  6. [AJAX] Mastering AJAX: Check this out for Brett McLaughlin of O'Reilly Media's three-part series on mastering AJAX.
  7. [ASP] HTML to ASP Converter: This software converts HTML code to ASP with unique customization options.
  8. [ASP] ASP/VBScript Cheat Sheet:
    Dave Child has compiled a reference sheet with the help of developer
    Allan Wenham. You'll find reminders for regular expressions, file
    modes, methods and properties, among others.
  9. [ASP] Best ASP.NET Practices for Shielding Your Site From Hackers: This Microsoft Webcast gives tips on hacker techniques and ways to neutralize them with ASP.NET code.
  10. [ASP] Common Applications of Regular Expressions: This time-saving tutorial explains ways to efficiently match patterns of strings.
  11. [ASP] ASPFAQs: This ASP FAQ list is categorized and updated. Check out the Ten Most Viewed FAQs for a quick rundown.
  12. [ASP] ASP from A to Z: Use this resource as a primer on ASP. It includes a handy glossary.
  13. [CSS] CSS Cheat Sheet: Another cheat sheet from Dave Child featuring CSS references for properties, syntax and more.
  14. [CSS] CSS Property Index:
    This list offers an alphabetical index of properties as well as the
    various statistics and details that go along with each of them.
  15. [CSS] CSS Shorthand Guide: Check this out for Dustin Diaz's tutorial on CSS shorthand.
  16. [CSS] CSS and Design Gallery: Although written in German, Dr. Web's gallery offers links to a massive number of CSS designs you should check out.
  17. [CSS] A Roadmap to Standards: Mezzoblue discusses web standards with special concern for CSS development and design.
  18. [CSS] CSS Panic Guide: This "guide for the unglued" provides links to many helpful CSS resources.
  19. [CSS] Layout Gala: This resource has 40 CSS layouts that you can download.
  20. [Htaccess] htaccess Cheatsheet: Check out this simple .htaccess file cheat sheet for good, clean fun.
  21. [HTML] A Simple Guide to HTML: This cheat sheet lays out tags for text formatting, tables, frames and more.
  22. [HTML] Composing Good HTML: Although slightly out of date, this guide outlines the essentials of good HTML composition for advanced users.
  23. [HTML] HTML & XHTML Tag Quick Reference: This reference sheet covers the most important tags and rules for HTML and XHTML.
  24. [HTML] HTML Color Code Combination Chooser: Use Site Pro Central's Colour Scheme Chooser to see your color before committing to a hex code.
  25. [HTML] XHTML Cheat Sheet: This updated cheat sheet points out elements, characters and more.
  26. [HTML] Quick Escape: Use the Quick Escape tool to convert raw HTML to escaped HTML.
  27. [HTML] HTML & XHTML Entities: This set of tables contains categorized tables of allowed entities in HTML and XHTML.
  28. [JavaScript] JavaScript Cheat Sheet: The JavaScript Cheat Sheet covers methods, functions and regular expressions.
  29. [JavaScript] JavaScript General Introduction: Check out this beginner's guide to JavaScript for a primer on the language.
  30. [JavaScript] Regular Expressions: VisiBone has compiled this quick reference sheet for client-side JavaScript.
  31. [JavaScript] HTML to JavaScript Convertor: This converter takes HTML and turns it into a series of document.write() statements that can be used in JavaScript.
  32. [JavaScript] Venkman JavaScript Debugger: Use Venkman's tool to debug JavaScript in Mozilla based browsers.
  33. [JavaScript] Introduction to Events: Check out this tutorial for an overview of events, event handling and the problems associated with it.
  34. [JavaScript] JS/DOM Object Quick Reference: This appendix from JavaScript Bible is useful for quick reference on JavaScript and Browser Objects.
  35. [Perl] Perl Regular Expression Quick Reference: Use this PDF for quick reference to characters, quantifiers, modifiers and more.
  36. [PHP] PHP Cheat Sheet: Print out this cheat sheet for quick reference to functions, SuperGlobals and other helpful components.
  37. [PHP] Smarty Cheat Sheet for Template Designers: Use this Smarty cheat sheet for functions, variables and loads of other references.
  38. [PHP] PHP Code Exchange: You can search for categorized PHP code at this exchange site.
  39. [PHP] PHP Code Examples: Check out hundreds of PHP code examples in the PHP Freaks code library.
  40. [PHP] PHPFAQ: Use this question-and-answer reference for loads of popular PHP tips and tricks.
  41. [PHP] Admin Generator Cheat Sheet: Consider the Admin Generator Cheat Sheet your "easy button" for Symfony Admin Generator code.
  42. [PHP] Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet:
    Reference regular expressions quickly with this cheat sheet. Sections
    include POSIX, character classes and quantifiers.
  43. [Python] Python 101 Cheat Sheet: Use this cheat sheet to get familiarized with the language of Python.
  44. [Ruby on Rails] 19 Rails Tricks Most Rails Coders Don't Know:
    Use this collection of tips to make more efficient use of your code.
    Also, send your friends into a state of shock and awe.
  45. [Ruby on Rails] Ruby QuickRef: Print this out for quick reference to Ruby details, from general syntax to object design.
  46. [Ruby on Rails] What Goes Where: Amy Hoy has written a simple cheat sheet that helps you remember where to put everything.
  47. [Ruby on Rails] InVisible Ruby on Rails Reference: This blog will give you a quick guide to the most used functions, methods and classes in Ruby on Rails.
  48. [Ruby on Rails] Resistance to Persistence: This cheat sheet is a compilation of information from various books, tutorials and Web sites about Ruby on Rails.
  49. [Ruby on Rails] Ruby on Rails Caching Tutorial: Keep this little gem in your arsenal in case you wind up on the front page of Digg.
  50. [Ruby on Rails] Faster Pagination in Rails: This resource helps you understand pagination and what you should be doing about it.

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Anonymous said...

30 Ajax tutorials, 60 Ajax tutorials.... How about the collection of 430+ Ajax tutorials where this number increases daily?

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Brian Park said...

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